Friday 13 July 2007

Branscombe, Banners and Iso Herquist

Tomorrow is the Branscombe Beer Festival gig and Mandy has made TUSC a fabulous banner. Steve is ready with the mini bus, Sarah has booked the lunches and all the ukes are warmed up and ready to go.

Yesterday I received greetings from the super funky Iso Herquist. He has many ukulele projects including his band the 'Iso Herquist Experience', you can hear the track 'Boske Friske Fiske Rømpte Pømpte' on this weeks 'Ukecast' podcast (Episode 220). As well as promoting German gigs for Uni and her Ukulele and Kelli Rae Powell, he is planning a special feature on jazz ukulele for a future ukecast. As if all this wasn't enough he has been using the TUSC songbooks and is planning to start a strummers club in his home town.

Iso is a true ukulele revolutionary!


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